Sunday Sep 01, 2024

My colleague is a robot! Public values in modern decision-making

Is the introduction of artificial intelligence and robots in the public sector an opportunity or a challenge for public values and for democracy? In this episode of Aspects of Democracy, Daniel Toll, PhD student in information systems, talks about his field work in municipalities and his newly finished thesis on technologies in the frontline of digitalization in public service.

What can we do to safe-guard public values in modern public service and decision-making? Is artificial intelligence the road to salvation or the beginning of the Matrix – or none of the above? And what is it really like to have a robot colleague? Tune in to hear more!

Information on Daniel’s upcoming thesis defence that is mentioned in the episode can be found here.


The podcast series is brought to you by the political science unit at Linköping University and hosted by Helena Iacobaeus, PhD student in political science. For questions or suggestions on topics, e-mail

Intro music credit: ZakharValaha from Pixabay.


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